Still ever-so-enamoured with the crepes at Kensington Creperie, A and I are now constantly on the lookout for a place here that sells authentic French crepes. A’s friend told him about this place in Seah Street that was opened by a French couple; immediately we thought “Authentic!!” and set out to try it for lunch today.
The place is opposite Raffles Hotel, and right next to the Mint Toy Museum. It’s fairly new – they’ve only been open a month, and based on the names of some of the crepes, I assume the owners are Stephane and Geraldine. He cooks and she tends to customers, and she definitely sounds French.
The interesting thing about their crepes here is that for their savoury crepes, they come in the form of galettes, which are only cooked on one side, and are made with buckwheat flour. Their sweet crepes, on the other hand, are the regular wheat flour ones that we’re more used to.

I ordered the ham, cheese, egg and mushroom galette, and while I can’t honestly say that I love the taste and texture of the buckwheat flour crepes, I found them quite interesting in a nutty, moreish sort of way. It helps that the crepes were made incredibly thin, so you barely taste the crepe amongst the savoury ingredients. Compared to the in-your-face flavours of the Kensington crepes, the one here was more subtle and refined.

Galettes aren’t really A’s thing though. He ordered the smoked salmon crepe (of course…), and while he liked the smoked salmon itself because it was really potent and flavourful, he was less keen on the actual galette; he couldn’t really get used to the flavour of the buckwheat crepe.

We had room for dessert, and how could I not order the Entre-Nous crepe, which was topped with home-made salty caramel? This was divine – the crepe, the regular wheat flour sort this time, was incredibly light and fluffy, and absolutely fabulous with the salty caramel drizzled on top.

A went with the plain crepe with coconut sorbet. This turned out to be a rather strange pairing and while it worked to some extent, I think each was better on its own. The crepe was certainly good enough to be eaten without any accompaniments.
I asked Geraldine (I’m assuming that’s her name) whether in future, we could order the savoury fillings, but in the wheat flour crepe instead. She said “Of course!” Excellent, next time we’ll do just that and see how they taste.
While the crepes aren’t the cheapest around (gourmet ones range from $15 to $19, regular savoury ones are between $10 and 15, and the sweet ones start from around $8), they’re good quality and very well made. They have some pretty decent sets as well, ranging from $20 to $28 for one or two crepes, salad/soup and a drink, as well as a tea-time set with just a sweet crepe and a drink. Do give this place a try. We were the only customers there for the entire duration of our meal, and I’d hate to see them suffer the A&C curse.
A says:
I really am not a fan of galettes. Next time, I’ll definitely ask to change to a crepe. And their crepes are really good.
Given their prices, I don’t think I’d recommend this place as a regular dinner place (although the $28 set is pretty good value with soup/salad, 1 savoury galette, 1 dessert crepe, and 1 beverage). But if you’re just looking for a good dessert, this place is probably close to tops in Singapore.
27, Seah Street, #01-01
Tel: 6333-4671
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